Why Santa Brushes His Teeth After Every Holiday Treat: A Guide to the Pros and Cons of Brushing and Flossing

Whether he eats cookies, prawns, lobster, crackers, or fruit, Santa indulges in quite a few treats each holiday season. How does he maintain enough oral hygiene so that his teeth don’t fall out every year? By properly brushing and flossing your teeth each day, you too can make sure that you won’t be riddled with cavities or plaque after the end of the holidays. This article will discuss the advantages of maintaining this necessary hygienic schedule, as well as proper techniques and methods for brushing and flossing.

Brushing – Why is it Important, and How Does It Work?
At a young age, children are taught about the importance of brushing and flossing. The effort to brush teeth with toothpaste twice a day began in the 1940s, and is now an essential staple of daily hygiene. Without toothbrushes, our teeth would have too much plaque, causing them to get weak and rot away.

Brushing teeth is essential after almost every meal we eat. When we eat, the bacteria in our mouth feeds off of the food particles left behind in our teeth, causing them to create acid that wears down enamel and causes cavities. When we brush, we are scrubbing away the food particles, the bacteria, and the acid they leave behind. Flossing is specifically important for the removal of food particles and buildup in the spaces between teeth that a brush cannot reach. Flossing prevents the growth of tartar, which can irritate the gums and cause gingivitis. Keeping up an important and consistent schedule of brushing and flossing can prevent the need for inlays, crowns, fillings, and even implants. An untreated tooth is left to rot, with infection spreading to the root and causing an abscess. A painful procedure is necessary to remove the infected tooth, as an untreated infection can cause severe discomfort and even death in all individuals.

The Best Ways for Santa to Keep His Teeth Healthy
While the overall importance of brushing and flossing is easily understood, there are several detailed methods that can be employed for the best brushing and flossing results. Brushing is a simple routine, and should be a common part of daily life. With these tips, brushing can take even further steps in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, as well as preventing serious issues like gingivitis and gum disease:

● Always use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a chemical that helps greatly strengthen teeth and protect them from plaque and tartar buildup. Fluoride, while unhealthy if swallowed, serves as a good defense against the buildup of plaque and tartar, and is always recommended for both adults’ and children’s toothpastes by Dentists in Sydney.

● Brush and floss at least twice a day, preferably after meals and before bed at night. Adding additional brushes throughout the day can never hurt, although look out for sensitive and bleeding gums.

● Healthy brushing can be paired with healthy eating – by reducing the amount of sugar, alcohol, and tobacco intake, you also reduce the amount of plaque and tartar buildup that needs to be brushed away.

● Make sure to brush and floss in between the teeth as well. Interdental brushing and flossing is essential for removing pieces of food and bacteria that have been wedged between the teeth. The longer those particles sit, the easier it is for tartar to form, and for gum disease to occur.

● Do not use too much toothpaste, as it is harmful when swallowed. The minty fresh chemicals that compose toothpaste work wonders for your teeth and gums, but are not healthy for the intestines. Use a pea’s amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush during each brush.
